Simple And Easy Ways To Clean Your Hvac Vents

Most people automatically think that the dryer itself is the problem, but it usually turns out that the venting pipe that exhausts the dryer to the outside of the house has become clogged with lint. If your dryer can’t vent out that heat and moisture in the clothes, then your laundry can’t dry. Over time, running the dryer this way will eventually create enough extra wear and tear on the dryer parts that it will ultimately lead to expensive dryer repairs. Worst of all, it also turns your dryer into a potential fire hazard.

A proper hvac cleaning service should thoroughly inspect your ducts and give you a detailed report about what needs to be fixed. They should offer an in-depth plan of how they will clean and maintain your duct work.

If you have to buy chimney cleaning tools, you will need brushes rods, safety eye-wear, a traps, a broom and dustpan, a vacuum, and dust mask for your face. To find out what size of brushes you need, measure your chimney flue and get the corresponding broom size. Most chimney flues come in standard sizes of 8″ x 8″, 8″ x 13″, and 13″ x 13″. If you chimney is made of prefab materials, get a plastic poly brush. If you have a masonry type of chimney, go for wire brushes.

The second thing that needs to be addressed is the regular cleaning, or sweeping of the chimney. This is what gives chimney sweeps their name. This is an invasive operation that will remove the build up of creosote in your system and help it to draw smoke out of your home more efficiently. The professional sweep will do this from inside your home, primarily, but will take extreme care to maintain the cleanliness of your living space.

The stench is most likely the result of creosote deposits, a natural wood-burning byproduct. The summer humidity tends to make the smell worse. A good cleaning usually won’t completely solve the problem, and preferred solutions vary. Air being drawn down the chimney is the real problem, and a damper can help reduce air flow.

At one point I would have agreed with most steam cleaning carpet cleaners, but as I did my research with an open mind I came to realize that each system has their pros and cons. I have taken IICRC courses on my way to pursuing a Master Textile Cleaner certification, so I know what most steam cleaners have been taught.

Once you pull the machine away from the wall, you can reach the vent and should use a screwdriver to loosen the dryer vent clamp enough that you can slide the vent off. Now here’s the fun part of dryer vent cleaning! Reach as far as you can into the hole in the back of the machine and pull out any lint and buildup in the vent. You can use your vacuum’s hose attachment for a very thorough cleaning. Repeat the cleaning process on the tubing you just removed.

Another area that can create problems for dryer obstruction is the flexible hose that runs between the dryer and the wall. The wet lint can cling to the lining of the hose, and collect in the bends of the hose on its path to the wall.